Tracking Revenue Data

Yottaa’s Revenue Tracking captures revenue data directly from the order confirmation page with Yottaa's JavaScript tag. Because it collects orders, purchase amounts, and currency types, Yottaa is able to provide detailed analysis through the Conversion Insights Dashboard, showcasing the effects of site speed and Yottaa's optimization on key revenue metrics. Conversion Insights with revenue data is currently in beta with support for US Dollar currency only.

How Revenue Tracking Works

Yottaa's Revenue Tracking collects the same information available in the data layer of other analytics systems so that order and revenue values match customers' systems of record. It is compatible with GA4 and Adobe Analytics purchase event specifications which must be followed for Yottaa to collect revenue data. You can view the revenue analytics on the Conversion Insights Dashboard with Revenue Data.

For sites on the Shopify e-commerce platform, Yottaa collects the same information that is available from the Shopify data layer.

Yottaa's tracking code first looks for Shopify's data layer, then GA4, then Adobe Analytics, in that order, to find matching data for revenue-related parameters.

How Yottaa Parameters Map to Other Systems

The table below describes how Yottaa parameters map to the standard specifications of other analytics systems.

Yottaa Parameter Yottaa Notes GA4 Adobe Analytics Shopify
orderId Used to generate order count metric. Yottaa automatically removes duplicate order ids to generate order count.




transaction.purchaseID* Shopify.Checkout.token
purchaseAmount Generates revenue metric.




products.split(';').pop(),* Shopify.Checkout.totalPrice
currencyType Generates the currency of a given transaction. currency currencyCode* Shopify.Checkout.currency

* Supported on Library v8.0.3 or later

Requirements for Yottaa to Collect Revenue Data

The following conditions must all be true for Yottaa’s Revenue Tracking to capture revenue data:

  • Yottaa's JavaScript tag is on the order confirmation page—this is where Yottaa collects revenue data from the purchase event.

  • The site is running the Optimize or Protect library, release 8.0 or later (or 8.0.3 or later for Adobe Analytics and GA4 with additional common parameters).

  • The settings for managing Revenue Tracking are on the Settings > General page. See Options on the Settings Tab for details.

  • The site is either on the Shopify e-commerce platform or is running GA4 or Adobe Analytics to collect revenue data on the order confirmation page.

  • The site is following one of the standard specifications for revenue tracking for a supported vendor.


Tracking Purchase Events in GA4

How to Install Purchase Event Tracking

Purchase Event Parameters

Tracking Purchase Events in Adobe Analytics